Daz studio iray
Daz studio iray

daz studio iray

These settings assume that the render mode is set to Photoreal. Now, we’re going to skip the Render Mode in this part and go straight to the Progressive Rendering settings. This can be problematic if you’ve lit your scene with HDRIs or emissive surfaces only, as the headlamp will come on and mess up your lighting. Never, of course, leaves them off, but the other option, When No Scene Lights, will turn on the auto headlamp on your cameras if there are no Daz 3D lights in the scene. The Auto Headlamp setting will enable or disable the automatic headlamp on Daz 3D’s cameras depending on this setting. Image Name is the filename to save to, and Image Path lets you choose a different location to the render library. Rendering to a new window will cause a slight performance hit, and while it can be useful in proofing a render as it happens, for the most part it’s better to go direct to file.

daz studio iray

We’ll take a closer look at those settings at a later date. Direct to file will render directly to a file on your system, while new window will bring up a window while rendering that will let you change certain settings on the fly. The Render Target is only available in still image mode, and has two options: Direct To File, and New Window.

daz studio iray

Render Type lets you choose between Still Image, Image Series, and Movie. The aspect ratio will recalculate according to the pixel size you set, and if Constrain Proportions is on, then the Width or Height pixel number will change to fit the aspect ratio. You can choose your Dimension Preset, or set your Pixel Size or Aspect Ratio yourself. The General tab is mostly self explanatory.

Daz studio iray